Saturday, April 26, 2008

Evangelists should be honest with converts

Did you know that if you become a Christian, you will live a long pain free life with plenty of prosperity? Just kidding!!! Some Christians do live a long pain free life with plenty of prosperity, but most people's lives don't change in that respect.

You wouldn't know that by listening to some televangelists.

"God wants you to be rich and debt-free."

What about Job the guy from the Bible who lost everything that he had and became poor? Jesus' parents were poor. What about in the Bible where Jesus said that we must carry our crosses?

"God will help you find a husband."

What if God wants you to stay single? What if you have tried all of the dating websites and you can't find anyone suitable?

"God will cure your disability."

God uses disabled people who bear their sufferings with joy to teach the non-disabled how to handle suffering and can help people look to God. Suffering people who praise God during their trials says more to the lost than a rich guy who has never had any sort of loss. After all, it is much easier to praise God when things are going well for you than when they are not.

The thing that is really terrible is that non-Christians will believe these evangelists and will lose their faith in God when they don't become rich or find a husband or are healed. Anyone trying to convert non-Christians needs to be honest with them. No, they won't become wealthy or find a husband or be healed of their disability by getting saved. Having God in their lives WILL help them deal with being poor, single, and their disability. God cares and Jesus can relate to our sufferings. Jesus was poor and single and He suffered pain and persecution. Evangelists should tell converts the truth about Christianity, so they can believe in something that is real rather than something that is false.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Are there rules for being a Christian?

I've heard my whole life Christians classifying certain behavior as Christian and not Christian. Sometimes people are given the non-Christian label for disagreeing with their political views. Sometimes the way people dress gets the non-Christian label. Sometimes a Christian has sinned or made a mistake and they are damned to hell for all eternity.

Sometimes also people will say that they are a Christian because they want people to think that they are nice people. Politicians will also say that God is on their side when they want to promote a bill. Or somone will say that they are a Christian by not judging people's sinful behavior.

This got me thinking. Is the word Christian like the word pretty? Is it subjective? Can people say any sort of behavior is Christian? American culture says that the word Christian should be subjective. When the word Christian is used subjectively, it loses its meaning.

To keep the word Christian's full meaning, I think that it must follow the following rules:

1. Beliefs-In order for a person or an idea to be labeled Christian, it must uphold the belief in God, Jesus Christ the son of God, and the Holy Spirit. Christians must also believe that the whole Bible is true, not just bits and pieces of it. They can believe in it literally or subjectively.

Example: If a person says that they are a Christian, but they don't believe in God than they are not really a Christian.

2. Christian Pratices-If someone wants to call himself a Christian, he must participate in the following activities: prayer, attending church regularly, and reading the Bible.

Example: "I go to church when I feel like it, which is once every four months." Someone making that statement is not a Christian.

3. Becoming a better person-This can be a little subjective. It basically means that because Christian believes in rule number one and practices rule number two they become kinder to others as time goes on. Obiviously, if someone is a jerk to everyone they meet, then they are not a Christian. This also means that a Christian will stop trying to convert a non-Christian when they have asked them repeatedly to stop.

Example: A woman who says she has been a Christian for twenty years and has an anger management problem and takes her anger out on whoever crosses her path is not a Christian.

What do you think of these rules? I'd love to hear from you. My e-mail is

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Pope Benedict

I have never been excited about a pope before in my life. From my previous church, people told me that the Pope was just an ordinary man. Since other people are excited about his visit to the US, now I am super excited.

He is totally awesome and inspiring. He speaks out against the US's ugly past with minorities and comforted sex abuse victims. He admitted that the church was wrong to protect the pedophile priests. It takes a lot of courage to admit that you were wrong. (I must have tons of courage).

I think that Pope Benedict should have his own music video, just like the Obama girl. Of course it would be tasteful. I obviously wouldn't be dressed in a bikini hugging His Holiness. Maybe a creative person can take clips from his speeches and make a music video. Like someone did with Obama's Yes, We can.

Personally, I feel that Americans embracing the Pope's message will transform their lives more than Obama's message. Not that Obama's message isn't inspiring, but politics will never save us in the way that a relationship with God will.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

What I learned from praying

For the longest time, I just couldn't have faith and believe. In the Protestant churches, I tried everything, volunteering in the church, reading the Case for Faith and the Purpose Driven Life, attending Sunday School, and anything else you can think of. Nothing I did ever answered my doubts.

My prayers that time were hilarious now. Protestants are encouraged to pray in their own words. In church, the minister would bow his head and give this long speech for a prayer. While the minister was praying, I would pray in my own words. "Lord, Hi. I am checking in with you this week. Please be with so and so.....Hmm. What am I doing this weekend? Oh I am back, Praise Jesus....What will I eat for lunch? This minister is talking so long my neck is starting to hurt...

While I was exploring Catholicism, I learned already written prayers. And I decided to give it a try because I tried everything else and failed to get my faith back. I said the Act of Love prayer and I learned that even though I have gone through a lot that God is still good to me. Then I said the Rosary and I feel God's prescense when I say that prayer. My most favorite is the Way of the Cross and feel so much love for Jesus for everything that he suffered on the cross for my sake. These prayers, which don't take much time and effort on my part, helped me to get my faith back.

It amazes me so much that I don't work as I did when I was Protestant, yet I feel so much closer to God.

PS I am dying to know who the eight people are who read my blog. Please e-mail me at

Monday, April 14, 2008

Rules are a good thing for God seekers

I know this is weird coming from me, but I think that rules in church are a good thing. I am the last person who you would ever expect to say that because I hate rules. I love doing what I want to do-regardless of what anyone thinks. I like finding answers to my problems for myself rather than asking a leader what they are.

It took observing things that went on in my college Bible study to get me to change my mind about rules. The leader of the Bible study wasn't someone who the minister appointed, but someone who volunteered. Nobody checked to see what the leader was teaching people or how he was conducting the study. He could've taught something that wasn't even in the Bible or interpreted something from the Bible that is out there, and the church would have no idea. Everyone always had a chance to express their opinions during the study, and since everyone could have their own opinion about the Bible, you never knew who was right.

Not only were there theological arguments during the study, but there were also people complaining about who gets to be a cell group leader. The leader of the Bible study gets to pick a cell group leader to lead small groups of people. The leader picked a woman who was rumored to get drunk during weekends and would skip church a lot. Of course, many people felt that it was unfair and complained.

Well all of these conflicts were distracting me from learning about God, which is why all God seekers go to Bible studies. Even though I love finding out about God, I had to admit that this was a waste of my time because I really didn't learn a whole lot.

The Catholic Church is totally different. They had this young adult mass at my church which I attended. We went to mass first and then went out to eat. Not everyone was friends with everyone, but people got along. The mass was only a half hour, but I felt like I got more out of it than the hour in the Bible study.

What was the difference? Rules! Only the priest or deacon can lead the mass-no one else. The priest has to teach according to what the Archbishop tells him to teach. Nobody I saw was arguing with the priest during mass-I guess if they did they wouldn't be able to take the Euchrarist. The priest did appoint someone to plan the parties, but he wasn't teaching people.

Rules free us from conflict and disorder. Because there was order and rules God seekers can go to this mass and find God, rather than being distracted by complaining and conflict.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

A Different view of abusers

We've all seen parents who scream at their toddlers in grocery stores. Or become squemish when we hear parents threaten kids with a spanking for a small infraction. I've even heard about parents who left their baby in a hot car who died while they played games.

I used to think that these people were horrible and beyond redemption. And I would see these terrible parents and judge them because I thought that I was so much better than them. Then I worked at a day care and got to understand how these parents felt. I agree that it is wrong to abuse children, but I also think that children need to be disciplined. When the children didn't do what I asked them to do, I put them in time out and would yell at them. Well, some people thought that I was being mean to the kids and judged me-like the abusive parents.

I felt really bad being judged, but I learned how to see abusers as God sees them. The first thing that I learned is that it isn't easy being a parent. Parents have to have the right balance of love and discipline. When a child is out of control and you don't know how to calm him down, it can be stressful. It is even more stressful when everyone is watching you ready to criticize whatever you do to get your kid to calm down. Then when people catch you making a mistake, they condemn you and don't give you redemption. And no one ever forgets what you did and remind you every chance they get.

But God isn't like that. God is willing to forgive anyone who is sorry for their sins and willing to repent. He doesn't want child abusers to spend their lives dwelling on their sins and feeling guilty. He wants them to embrace His forgiveness, turn from their sins, and be reconciled with Him. I think that some of them should go to prison, if they have severely abused their children, but they also desserve to be forgiven.