Tuesday, April 15, 2008

What I learned from praying

For the longest time, I just couldn't have faith and believe. In the Protestant churches, I tried everything, volunteering in the church, reading the Case for Faith and the Purpose Driven Life, attending Sunday School, and anything else you can think of. Nothing I did ever answered my doubts.

My prayers that time were hilarious now. Protestants are encouraged to pray in their own words. In church, the minister would bow his head and give this long speech for a prayer. While the minister was praying, I would pray in my own words. "Lord, Hi. I am checking in with you this week. Please be with so and so.....Hmm. What am I doing this weekend? Oh I am back, Praise Jesus....What will I eat for lunch? This minister is talking so long my neck is starting to hurt...

While I was exploring Catholicism, I learned already written prayers. And I decided to give it a try because I tried everything else and failed to get my faith back. I said the Act of Love prayer and I learned that even though I have gone through a lot that God is still good to me. Then I said the Rosary and I feel God's prescense when I say that prayer. My most favorite is the Way of the Cross and feel so much love for Jesus for everything that he suffered on the cross for my sake. These prayers, which don't take much time and effort on my part, helped me to get my faith back.

It amazes me so much that I don't work as I did when I was Protestant, yet I feel so much closer to God.

PS I am dying to know who the eight people are who read my blog. Please e-mail me at gclaheh@hotmail.com.

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