Saturday, August 2, 2008

My view of poor people

It seems that many Americans think that poor people can be helped by giving money to them. On Oprah recently, a guy gave a homeless guy a million dollars and then followed him around with a camera to see what would happen. Most people would think that a year after the homeless guy got the money, he at least at least have a place to stay. It didn't happen that way because he wasted the money and didn't find a job. Of course, he is back on the streets again even though he was given a million dollars.

I would like to say that I was surprised, but I wasn't. Even homeless people have choices and can make their lives better if they chose to. This guy didn't choose to. Before he got the money, he would go in the garbage and collect cans to recycle for money and say that he doesn't want to get a job because he hates rules. Homeless people can stay at shelters for a time for free, if they are willing to follow a few rules. They can also participate in state and private job placement programs, if they are willing to go to work and work at these jobs. It isn't a whole lot, but if they do make these choices, they will eventually get off the streets.

This documentary teaches people that money won't always help poor people. The only way that we wouldn't have poor people is if someone makes all of their decisions for them, but they wouldn't be happy because they are not free. Allowing people to be free means that we allow them to chose to live under a bridge because they want to continue making poor choices.

Since God loves us more than I love humanity, I wonder if it breaks God's heart seeing people suffer because of their sins. God must have a lot of courage and love to not to always intervene when He knows that the people He loves are making bad choices that will hurt them later. He loves us so much He gives us our freedom, rather than making us mindless robots.

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