Saturday, March 15, 2008

Jesus is a different kind of superhero

I watched Captain Planet as a kid. Really dates me, huh? Superheros amaze me. I was thinking about Captain Planet the cartoon and wondered to myself what if Jesus was a superhero.

Then I thought that Jesus is a superhero, just a different kind. Jesus is God himself in human form. He is stripped of His God-like qualities, powers, and characteristics and became a human being, like us. Jesus still had the knowledge of what God was like and he shared it with other people. Sometimes God would give him power not to leap over tall buildings in a single bound, but to heal the sick and feed the hungry.

Jesus does not have a single arch villian because in a way we are all villians. We all sin and it hurts God and Jesus himself. Jesus' idea of saving the world is not defeating an arch enemy, but turning villians into heros like Him. By turning from our sins and towards the God that Jesus tells us about, we stop being villians and become heros like Jesus.

Jesus' most heoric moment was not saving thousands of people from certain death, but dying on a cross as a sacrifice for our sins. Because sin creates a gap between us and God and the only way to fill that gap is for someone to sacrifice His life, and Jesus sacrificed His life for us. Now we have access to God because of Jesus and God can help us stop sinning.

Unlike superheros, Jesus is accessible. If superheros existed in real life, they would never even look my direction. Jesus is available 24/7 for anyone who wants to talk to Him in heaven all you have to do is pray. Unlike comic books, you don't have to pay any money to read about his adventures. Most churches will give away Bibles for free.

Jesus does not wear skintight clothes or a cape, but dresses like everyone else, even though He is God in human form. And sorry Da Vinci code fans, but Jesus remained celebate his whole life, so He never even had a girlfriend because He wanted to devote His life to His ministry to save the world.

Have you ever thought about Jesus as a superhero? It amazes me that He is God himself in human form, but humbeled himself to die for us.

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